Saturday 22 September 2012

Snuggly jumpers..

Aaah, Autumn and Winter. Time to start wrapping up with yummy jumpers and feeling cosy on the couch. Well, lets face it, have been trying to do that through 'summer' too. But either way.. these are some lush jumpers!

The Panda jumper is insanely cute, and looks really comfy. I have a bit of a thing for Pandas.. I don't really know why? It's a bit odd. But it's still cute.

The Star jumper is AMAZING. Like, I am full on in love with this. I would wear it over everything, I can just see it now. And that is why it is in the Dream world and not in the Real world. Because nothing I ever love THIS much is actually affordable. but it's so pretty my credit card will forgive me right. I'm actually quite sad I ever saw this jumper. I won't be able to forget it now.

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