Friday 21 September 2012

Pretty Tights!

So, one of the things about wearing skirts and dresses all the time is that it can just get a bit boring. I wear plain tights to work, the last thing I want to do when it comes to going out is rock some more plain boring tights. 
This is where funky patterned tights definitely come in, they can totally change a look! A plain black dress can look amazingly different if you add some patterned tights into the mix.

Now obviously you can get patterned tights in many many different colours but being me.. I like to stick to black. Its a confidence thing. But you can still get some really awesome tights in black! I love all of the tights above, especially the star print tights. I've gone through a ridiculous amount of star print tights in the past year, mainly because I wear them out drinking and drinking + tights does not a long life make! (ladders before I leave the house are not at all uncommon)

I'm not 100% about the suspender tights that have been popular lately. They look really cute, don't get me wrong but I think unless you have lovely slim thighs they're just gonna be drawing attention to the bits you may not want people focussing on. However, that does not stop me happily drooling over them, adding them to my pretend shopping basket and then opting out at the last minute. Oops.

Aaaah, pretty tights. How I love thee. And these are all gloriously affordable as well!

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